The Essence of the Old West: Unbridled Adventures in Cody, Wyoming with a Legendary Hunting and Horseback Guide

Have you ever felt the call of the Wild West, where tales of cowboys and untamed wilderness still echo through the mountains? That’s the siren song that drew me to Cody, Wyoming, and led me to invite Lee Livingston of Livingston Outfitting to share his deep-rooted love for this land.

Lee’s not just any guide; he’s a steward of the outdoors, crafting bespoke journeys for those eager to experience the authentic cowboy lifestyle through guided hunts and horseback adventures. As we chat, you’ll feel the dusty trails underfoot and the wild spirit of the West calling. We’ll uncover the wonders of the Buffalo Bill Center of the West, revel in the excitement of the nightly rodeo, and hear about Lee’s cherished moments amidst Cody’s boundless beauty.

Picture yourself riding through the vast, open plains, the same ones that once welcomed Prince Albert of Monaco on a quest to follow his ancestor’s footprints. Lee regales us with tales of this royal adventure and emphasizes the importance of being physically prepared to fully embrace the rugged life out there. Each expedition Lee curates is a patchwork of personal preferences, ensuring every guest leaves with memories etched into their soul. So, saddle up for this episode with us, where the spirit of the frontier lives on, and let’s ride together into the heart of Cody’s grandeur where your next great adventure awaits.

Listen to the podcast episode here:


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